Publications in Edited Books and Conference Proceedings
1. A. C. Benim and W. Zinser,
"Investigation into the Finite Element Analysis of Confined Turbulent Flows using a k-e Model of Turbulence",
Proc. “Third International Conference on Finite Elements in Nonlinear Mechanics”, University of Stuttgart (1984) Chapter L/5.
2. U. Schnell, K. Görner und A. C. Benim,
"Mathematische Modellierung von Kohlenstaubflammen - Methoden und Teilmodelle",
Proceedings of the “3. TECFLAM-Seminar”, University of Karlsruhe (1987) 149-164.
3. A. C. Benim, U. Schnell und K. Görner,
"Simulation von Kohlenstaubflammen mit der Methode der Finiten Elemente",
Combustion and Furnaces, 14. German Flame Day, VDI-Berichte 765 (VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1989) 1-11.
4. A. C. Benim and U. Schnell,
"Finite Element Simulation of Turbulent Reacting Flows with Emphasis on Pulverized Coal Combustion and Nitrogen
Oxide Formation", Proceedings of the “Fifth International Symposium on Numerical Methods in Engineering”,
R.Gruber, J. Periaux, R. P. Shaw (Eds.), Vol.2 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin,1989)5-10.
5. A. C. Benim,
“Finite Element Modelling of Enclosed Turbulent Diffusion Flames”,
T. J. Chung and G. Karr (Eds.), Finite Element Analysis in Fluids, (UAH Press, Huntsville, 1989), 1535-1540.
6. A. C. Benim,
"Finite Element Computation of Turbulent Swirling Flows",
T. J. Chung and G. Karr (Eds.), Finite Element Analysis in Fluids, (UAH Press, Huntsville, 1989) 1571-1576.
7. A. C. Benim,
"Finite Element Computation of Pulverized Fuel Flames",
C.Taylor, P..Gresho, R.L.Sani, J.Häuser (Eds.), Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Vol. 6, Part 2 (Pineridge, Swansea, 1989) 1699-1709.
8. R. C. Adkins, A. C. Benim, P. C. Escher, J. Hellat and W. König,
"A Combustor Diffuser of Annular Configuration Suitable for Industrial Gas Turbines",
ASME Paper No. 92-GT-41 (1992).
9. A. C. Benim,
"Finite Element Analysis of Enclosed Turbulent Diffusion Flames",
T. J. Chung (Ed.) Finite Elements in Fluids, Vol. 8 (Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington, 1992), Chapter 12, 295-332.
10. A. C. Benim, E. Pasqualotto and K. J. Syed,
"Practical Modelling of Gas Turbine Combustors: An Industrial Perspective",
Proc.“Fifth International Conference on Numerical Combustion” (University of Stuttgart / TECFLAM / INRIA / SIAM, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 1993).
11. A. C. Benim and K. J. Syed,
"EBU/EDC Modelling of Turbulent Recirculating Premixed Combustion",
Proc. of the "Joint IFRF/SIFF-Seminar on Numerical Combustion", (Bundesamt für Energiewirtschaft, Bern, 1993) Paper No. 3.
12. A. C. Benim and J. Görres,
"Finite Element Modelling of Turbulent Diffusion Flames",
Proc. of the "Joint IFRF/SIFF-Seminar on Numerical Combustion", (Bundesamt für Energiewirtschaft, Bern, 1993) Paper No. 12.
13. J. Görres, A. C. Benim, H. C. Magel and U. Schnell,
"Finite Element Analysis of Turbulence Models for Confined Swirling Flows with Combustion",
K.Morgan,E.Onate,J.Periaux,J.Peraire,O.C.Zienkiewicz(Eds.)Finite Elements in Fluids: New Trends & Appl.(CIMNE/Pineridge,Barcelona,1993) 469-478.
14. K. J. Syed and A. C. Benim,
"Prediction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions by Flamelet Based Procedures",
S. Wagner, E. H. Hirschel, J. Périaux, R. Piva (Eds.), Computational Fluid Dynamics´94, Vol. 2 (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York, 1994) 831-838.
15. A. C. Benim and M. Arnal,
"A Numerical Analysis of the Labyrinth Seal Flow",
S. Wagner, E. H. Hirschel, J. Périaux, R. Piva (Eds.) Computational Fluid Dynamics´94, Vol. 2 (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York, 1994) 839-846.
16. F. Kreitmeier, O. Schäfer and A. C. Benim,
"Numerical Estimation of the Balance Errors Made by Neglecting the Free Control-Surface Integrals that Contain the Shear
Stress Tensor and the Heat-Flux Vector", Proceedings of the “First European Conference Turbomachinary - Fluid Dynamic and Thermodynamic
Aspects”, March 1-3, 1995, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, FRG, Paper No. A-6.
17. A. C. Benim, M. Geiger, S. Doehler, M. Schoenenberger and H. Roemer,
"Modelling the Flow in the Exhaust Hood of Steam Turbines under Consideration of Turbine-Exhaust Hood Interaction",
Proc. 1st European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamic and Thermodynamic Aspects: Computational Methods,
Erlangen, Germany, March 1-3, 1995, Book Series: VDI Berichte, Vol. 1185 (VDI-Verlag, Duesseldorf, 1995) 343-357.
18. J. L. Xia, B. L. Smith, A. C. Benim, J. Schmidli, G. Yadigaroglu,
"Influence of Boundary Conditions on Swirling Flow in Combustors",
Proceedings of the “ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 1996, FED-Vol. 237 (1996) 789-796.
19. A. C. Benim,
"Solving Practical Combustion Problems by Computational Fluid Dynamics", Proc. "Third World Conference in Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics",
(World User Association in Applied and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Freiburg i. Br., 1996), Workshop F: Combustion, Paper No. 1.
20. J. L. Xia, A. C. Benim, B. L. Smith, J. Schmidli and G. Yadigaroglu,
"Effect of Three-Dimensionality on Swirling Flows With/Without Combustion",
HTD-Vol. 341. ASME Proceedings of the „32nd National Heat Transfer Conference“, Eds: L.Gritzo, J.-P.Delplanque, Book No. H01089 (1997) 175-182.
21. A. C. Benim and E. Pasqualotto,
"Computational Modelling of Side Injection Systems in Diesel Engines",
Proceedings of „The International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines ICICE’97“,(International Academic Publishers, Wuhan, 1997) 542-548.
22. F. Kreitmeier, P. Juvet and A. C. Benim,
"Demonstration of a Balance-Based Procedure for the Time-Averaging and Modelling of Compressible, Three-Dimensional
Unsteady Turbulent Flows", Proc. “2nd European Conf. on Turbomachinery – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics”, March 5-7 (1997) 549-564.
23. A. C. Benim and E. Pasqualotto,
"Modelling of Diesel Engine Side Injection Systems",
Combustion and Furnaces - 18. German-Dutch Flamme Day, VDI Berichte 1313 (VDI-Verlag, D´dorf, 1997) 461-466.
24. A. C. Benim, B. Epple and P. Stegelitz,
"Modelling the Two-Phase Flow in Coal Pulverizers",
Proc. "Fourth International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment,Lisbon, Portugal“ (1997), Chap. 4, pp.25-32.
25. A. C. Benim and M. Geiger,
"Optimisation of the Inlet Casing of a Low-Pressure Steam Turbine", Proc. „Third European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and
Thermodynamics“, March 3-5, 1999, London, IMechE Conference Transactions, Vol. B (Professional Engineering Publishing, London, 1999) 693-701.
26. E. Pasqualotto, I. Birinci and A. C. Benim,
"A New Phenomenological Modelling Approach for Diesel Engine Side Injection Systems",
Proc. „Joint Meeting of the British, German and French Sections of the Combust. Inst.”, 18-21 May 1999, Nancy (The Combust. Inst., PA, 1999) 893-895
27. A. C. Benim and K. J. Syed,
"Laminar Flamelet Based Procedures for Turbulent Premixed Combustion",
Proceedings of the „Mediterannean Combustion Symposium, June 20-25, 1999, Antalya“, (METU Publications, Ankara, 1999), 791-806.
28. A. C. Benim and E. Pasqualotto,
"Prediction Procedures for Diesel Engine Side Injection Systems",
Combustion and Furnaces - 19. German Flame Day, VDI Berichte 1492 (VDI-Verlag, D´dorf, 1999) 637-642.
29. B. Epple and A. C. Benim,
"CRFD Study of Supercritical 2 x 900 MW Boilers for Shanghai / P. R. of China",
Combustion and Furnaces – 20. German Flame Day, VDI Berichte 1629 (VDI-Verlag, D’dorf, 2001) 127-132.
30. A. C. Benim, S. Gaudin and K. J. Syed,
"Investigation of the Fuel/Air Mixing in a Radial Swirler of a Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustor",
Combustion and Furnaces – 20. German Flame Day, VDI Berichte 1629 (VDI-Verlag, D’dorf, 2001) 238-288.
31. A. C. Benim,
“Equilibrium Euler-Euler Modelling of Pulverised Coal Combustion”,
B. H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar (Eds.) Engineering Computational Technology (Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirling, 2002) Chapter 11,251-269.
32. B. Epple, W. Fiveland, B. Krohmer, G. Richards and A. C. Benim,
"Modeling and Simulation of Pulverized Fuel Combustion and Furnaces",
Proceedings of the “Seventh International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment” (2003) Session 4, Paper 1.
33. A. C. Benim and M. Cagan,
"Transient Simulations of Unsteady Heat Transfer in Turbulent Pipe Flow", J. Padet and F. Arinc (Eds.) Proceedings of the “International
SymposiumTransient Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Single and Two-Phase Flows” (Begell House, New York 2003) 407-416
34. A. C. Benim and A. Nahavandi,
"Computational Modelling of Turbulent Swirling Flows",
Combustion and Furnaces – 21. German Flame Day, VDI-Berichte 1750 (VDI-Verlag, D’dorf, 2003) 635-640.
35. A. C. Benim and M. Cagan,
"Investigation into the Fluid Dynamics of a Droplet in Gas Flow",
Bathe, K. J. (Ed.) Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 (Elsevier Science, New York, 2003) 840-842.
36. B. Epple and A. C. Benim,
"EUPAC: Eulerian-Eulerian Modelling of Pulverised Coal Combustion",
Bathe K. J. (Ed.) Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 (Elsevier Science, New York, 2003) 1327-1331.
37. A. C. Benim and A. Nahavandi,
"A Computational Analysis of Turbulent Swirling Flows",
K. Hanjalic, Y. Nagano and M. J. Tummers (Eds.), Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 4, (Begell House, N.Y., 2003) 715-722.
38. A. C. Benim, D. Brillert and M. Cagan,
"Investigation into the Computational Analysis of Direct-Transfer Pre-Swirl Systems for Gas Turbine Cooling",
ASME Paper No. GT2004-54151 Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2004, Vienna, Austria, June 14-17, 2004, Vol. 4, pp.453-460 (2004),
39. A. C. Benim, M. Cagan, C. Bricaud, B. Bonhoff and D. Brillert,
"Computational Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer in Direct-Transfer Pre-Swirl Systems for Gas Turbine Cooling",
Proc. Sixth European Conference on Turbomachinery – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics,7-11 March 2005, Lille, France, Vol. 2 (2005) 864-875.
40. A. C. Benim, M. Cagan, B. Bonhoff and D. Brillert,
"Modelling of Flow in Gas Turbine Pre-Swirl Systems",
K.J.Bathe (Ed.) Compil. Abstracts Third M.I.T. Conf. Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 14-17, 2005, M.I.T. Cambridge, MA, USA (2005) 34
41. B. Epple und A. C. Benim,
"Modellierung und Simulation von mehrphasigen Strömungen in Mahl- und Feuerungssystemen von Kraftwerken”
VDI FA-Sitzung „Mehrphasenströmungen“, 21-23 Februar, 2005, Würzburg, Germany Paper No: MPH-11.
42. A. C. Benim, P. Stopford, K. J. Syed,
"Modelling of Turbulent Swirling Flows with Emphasis on Gas Turbine Combustor Applications”,
Proc. 2nd NAFEMS CFD Seminar: Simulation of Complex Flows (CFD), April 25-26 2005, Niedernhausen/Wiesbaden, Germany, Paper No. 13: 1-8.
43. B. Epple, B. Krohmer and A. C. Benim,
"Zwei-Phasenströmungsmodelle zur Simulation von Kohlenstaubfeuerungen im systematischen Vergleich”,
Combustion and Furnaces – 22. German Flame Day, VDI-Berichte 1888 (VDI-Verlag, D’dorf, 2005) 449-456.
44. C. Haukap, A.C. Benim, F.Kameier, M. Neef and F. Truckenmüller,
„Numerische Simulation des Sekundärströmungsgebiets im Zulauf eines axialen Niedergeschwindigkeitsventilators bei Auftreten rotierender
Instabilitäten“, 21. Strömungstechnische Tagung, 30. September 2005, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany, Session A, Paper 1, 1-14.
45. A. C. Benim, M. Cagan, B. Bonhoff, D. Brillert,
„Simulation of Flow in Gas Turbine Pre-Swirl Systems with Emphasis on Rotor-Stator Interface Treatment“,
Proc. “Third IASME/WSEAS International Conf. on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, August 20-22, 2005, Corfu Island, Greece”, 206-211 (2005).
46. A. C. Benim, M. Cagan, K. Ozkan and D. Gunes,
"Computational Analysis of Impinging Jet onto a Co-axial Rotating Disk",
R. Bennacer (Ed.) Progress in Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (Lavoisier, Paris, 2005) 917-922.
47. A. C. Benim, A. Nahavandi and K. J. Syed,
"T-RANS Based Analysis of Turbulent Swirling Flows”
K. J. Bathe (Ed.), Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2005 (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2005) 590-593.
48. A. C. Benim, A. Nahavandi, P. J. Stopford and K. J. Syed
„Modelling of Turbulent Swirling Flows in Gas Turbine Combustors with Transient Three-Dimensional Procedures“,
Proc. “4th WSEAS Internat. Conf. Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, 21-23 August 2006, Elounda, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece” (2006) 295-300.
49. B. Epple, B. Krohmer and A. C. Benim,
„Analysis of Different Reactive Two Phase Flow Model Approaches for Pulverised Coal Combustion“,
Book of Abstracts of the “Thirty-First International Symposium on Combustion, 6-11 August 2006, Heidelberg, Germany” (2006), 584.
50. A. C. Benim, A. Nahavandi and K. J. Syed,
„Computational Investigation of Confined Turbulent Swirling Flows Exhibiting Vortex Breakdown“,
B. H. V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro (Eds.), Innovation in Engineering Computational Technology, (Saxe-Coburg, Stirling, 2006) 247-268.
51. F. Kreitmeier, P. Lücking and A. C. Benim,
„Augmentation of Kink-Angle Optimized Diffusers for Improved Off-Design Turbine Performance“, Papailiou, K., Martelli, F. and Manna, M. (Eds,)
Proc. "Seventh European Conference on Turbomachinery – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, 5-9 March, Athens, Greece" (2007) 405-416.
52. A. C. Benim, M. P. Escudier, A. Nahavandi, K. Nickson and K. J. Syed,
"DES Analysis of Confined Turbulent Swirling Flows",
Second Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods, Corfu, Greece, 17/18 June 2007, Book of Abstracts (2007) 18-19.
53. A. C. Benim, M. P. Escudier, P. J. Stopford and K. J. Syed,
"Computational Investigation of Turbulent Swirling Flows", The 9th Asian International Conf. on Fluid Machinery, October 16-19, 2007, Jeju, Korea
(Keynote Lecture) Lectures and Extended Abstracts Book (Korean Fluid Machinery Association (KFMA), Seoul, 2007) 73-78, Paper No.: AICFM9-IL06
54. A. C. Benim, M. Cagan, A. Nahavandi and E. Pasqualotto,
"RANS Predictions of Turbulent Flow Past a Circular Cylinder over the Critical Regime",
S. H. Sohrab, H. J. Catrakis, N. Kobasko and S. Necasova (Eds.), Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (WSEAS Press, Athens, 2007) 235-240.
55. A. C. Benim, F. Gul and E. Pasqualotto,
"Numerical Investigation of the Role of the Inlet Swirl Velocity Profile on Decay of Swirl in Pipe Flow",
S. H. Sohrab, H. J. Catrakis, N. Kobasko and S. Necasova (Eds.), Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (WSEAS Press, Athens, 2007) 241-246.
56. A. C. Benim, M. P. Escudier, A. Nahavandi, K. Nickson and K. J. Syed,
"Computational Analysis of Isothermal Flow in a Test Swirl Combustor",
S. H. Sohrab, H. J. Catrakis, N. Kobasko and S. Necasova (Eds.), Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (WSEAS Press, Athens, 2007) 300-305.
57. A. C. Benim, M. P. Escudier, A. Nahavandi, K. Nickson and K. J. Syed,
"DES Analysis of Confined Turbulent Swirling Flows in Sub-Critical Regime",
S. H. Peng and W. Haase (Eds.), Advances in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling (Springer,Berlin,2008) 172-181.
58. A. C. Benim, M. Cagna, F. Joos, A. Nahavandi, A. Wiedermann,
"Computational Analysis of Turbulent Swirling Flow in Water Model of a Gas Turbine Combustor",
A. A. Mohamad, R. Bennacer, M. El-Ganaoui, K. Kandakumar, and S. Huang (Eds.), Proceedings of the "6th International Conference Computational
Heat and Mass Transfer, ICCHMT'09, 18-21 May 2009, Guangzhou, China" (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 2009) 338-346.
59. A. C. Benim, M. Cagan, M. Reifferscheid, N. Vogl, E. Wosch,
"Prediction of the Near Meniscus Slag Behavior in Continuous Casting",
A. A. Mohamad, R. Bennacer, M. El-Ganaoui, K. Nandakumar, S. Huang (Eds.), Proceedings of the "6th International Conference on Computational
Heat and Mass Transfer, ICCHMT'09, 18-21 May 2009, Guangzhou, China" (South China University of Technology, Gunagzhou, 2009) 558-564.
60. H. Chattopadhyay and A. C. Benim,
"Transport Phenomena over a Moving Plate due to Turbulent Slot Jets",
Kannan N. Iyer (Ed.) Proceedings of the "9th ISHMT-ASME 2010 Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 4-6 January 2010, Mumbai, India",
(Research Publishing, Mumbai, 2010) 319-324.
61. A. Assmann, A. C. Benim, A. Nahavandi, E. Turan, D. Schubert, E. Gams and P. Feindt,
"Aortic Blood Flow Characteristics of Different Extracorporeal Circulation Techniques During Cardiac Surgery - A Computational Fluid
Dynamics Approach", Proceedings of the "Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering World Congress 2009, September 7-12, Munich, Germany",
(IFMBE Proceedings 25/IV, 2009) 1604-1607.
62. M. Cagan, A. C. Benim and D. Gunes,
"Computational Investigation into the Performance of Gas Turbine Preswirl Cooling Systems", in: S. H. Sohrab, H. J. Catrakis and N. Kobasko (Eds.),
Proceedings of the "7th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (FMA'09)",
August 20-22, 2009, Moscow, Russia (WSEAS Press, 2009) 62-67.
63. A. C. Benim, E. Aslan and I. Taymaz,
"Application of the Lattice Boltzmann Method to Steady Incompressible Laminar High Re Flows", in: S. H. Sohrab, H. J. Catrakis and N. Kobasko,
(Eds.), Proceedings of the "7th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (FMA'09)",
August 20-22, 2009, Moscow, Russia (WSEAS Press, 2009) 220-225.
64. A. Assmann, A. C. Benim, A. Nahavandi, D. Schubert, A. Lichtenberg, P. Feindt,
"Pulsatile, non-pulsatile, ante- or retrograde aortic blood flow: all the same ? A computational fluid dynamic study of different ECC techniques"
39th Annual Meeting of the GSTCVS, Stuttgart, 20101.
65. H. Yilmaz, S. Perumalsamy, G. Oeljeklaus, K. Görner, T. Klasen, A. C. Benim, T. Just and A. Moser,
"CFD Analysis of a Large Scale Entrained-Flow Gasifier for IGCC Power Plants",
Proc. "7th International Conference on Multiphase Flows (ICMF 2010), May 30 - June 4, 2010, Tampa, Florida, USA (2010)", Paper No.: 14.6.4.
66. A. C. Benim and K. Kuppa,
"A Eulerian-Eulerian Model for the Numerical Simulation of an Entrained Flow Coal Gasifier",
Proceedings of the "11th International Combustion Symposium, June 24-27, 2010, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina" (2010).
67. A. C. Benim, H. Chattopadhyay, A. Nahavandi, C. Ozer,
"CFD Analysis of Turbulent Forced Convection in a Plane Channel with a Built-In Triangular Prism",
Proc. "7th Internat. Conf. on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT 2010) 19-21 July, 2010, Antalya, Turkey", (2010) 799-804.
68. A. C. Benim, E. Aslan, I. Taymaz,
"Lattice Boltzmann Analysis of Laminar Forced Convection in a Plane Channel with a Built-In Triangular Prism",
Proc. "7th Internat. Conf. on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT 2010) 19-21 July, 2010, Antalya, Turkey",(2010) 1659-1664
69. A. C. Benim, F. Gul, A, Nahavandi, A. Assmann, P. Feindt, F. Joos,
"Simulation of Blood Flow in Human Aorta for Extracorporeal Circulation",
Proc. "7th Internat. Conf. on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, (HEFAT 2010) 19-21 July, 2010, Antalya, Turkey", (2010) 259-264.
70. A. C. Benim and M. P, Escudier,
"Turbulent Swirling Flows: Physical Phenomena and Modelling",
B.H.V.Topping, J.M.Adam, F.J.Pallares, R.Bru, M.L.Romero (Eds.), Computational Technology Reviews, Vol. 1 (Saxe-Coburg,Stirlingshire,2010) 215-250
71. A. Assmann, A. C. Benim, F. Gül, P. Akhyari, A. Lichtenberg, P. Feindt
"Preoperative risk evaluation by simulating extracorporealcirculation and its impact on aortic blood flow",
40th Annual Meeting of the GSTCVS, Stuttgart, 2011.
72. A. C. Benim, K. Kuppa, P. Wollny, B. Pfeiffelmann, A. Al-Halbouni and A. Giese,
"A Validation Study for Modelling Supersonic Combustion" ,
Proc. "7th International Conf. on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHMT 2011), July 18-22, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey", (2011) Paper No. 127.
73. A. C. Benim, F. Gul, A. Nahavandi, A. Assmann, P. Feindt and F. Joos,
"CFD Analysis of Blood Flow in Human Aorta with Experimental Validation",
Proc. "7th International Conf. on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHMT 2011) July 18-22, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey (2011) Paper No. 128.
74. A. C. Benim, E. Aslan, I. Taymaz,
"LBM Investigation of Laminar Forced Convection in a Channel with a Built-In Triangular Prism",
Proc. "7th International Conf. on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHMT 2011) July 18-22, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey", (2011) Paper No. 129.
75. A. C. Benim, K. Kuppa, P. Wollny, B. Pfeiffelmann, A. Al-Halbouni and A. Giese,
"CFD Analysis of Supersonic Combustion", Proceedings of the "1st International Conference on Naval Arcvhitecture and Maritime INT-NAM 2011,
24-25 October, 2011, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey" (2011) Paper No. V-13, pp. 393-404.
76. A. C. Benim, E. Aslan, I. Taymaz,
"LBM Analysis of Heat and Fluid Flow", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Naval Architecture and Maritime INT-NAM 2011, 24-25
October, 2011, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey" (2011) Paper No. XI-8, pp. 725-734.
77. H. Chattopadhyay, A. C. Benim,
"Turbulent Heat Transfer Over a Moving Plate Due to Impinging Slot Jets"
Proc. "14th ASME International Heat Trasfer Conference, August 8-13, 2010, Washington DC", Paper No: IHTC14-22168 (2011) pp.327-334.
78. A. C. Benim, K. Kuppa. P. Wollny, B. Pfeiffelmann, A. Al-Halbouni, H. Rahms and A. Giese,
"Numerical Studies on Modelling Supersonic Combustion",
Proceedings of the "Sixth International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, May 29 - June 1 2012" (2012) Paper No. 40.
79. E. Aslan, A. Nahvandi, I. Taymaz and A. C. Benim,
"A Study on Representing Irregular Boundaries by the Lattice Boltzmann Method", Proceedings of the "10th WSEAS International Conference on Fluid
Mechanics (FLUIDS'13) January 9-11, 2013, Milano, Italy", Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2 (WSEAS Press, 2013) 19-26..
80. A. C. Benim and K. Kuppa,
"Numerical Simulation of an Entrained-Flow Coal Gasifier by a Eulerian-Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Model", in: G. Özbayoglu and A. I. Arol (Eds)
Proceedings of the "XVII. International Coal Preparation Congress (ICPC), October 1-6, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey" (Aral Group, Ankara, 2013) 749-754.
81. S. McLean, A. Giese, A. Al-Halbouni, A. C. Benim and K. Kuppa,
"Entwicklung eines effizienten, schadstoff- und pulsationsarmen Überschall-Sauerstoff-Öl/Gasbrenners für energieintensive Anwendungen",
Combustion and Furnaces – 26. German Flame Day, VDI-Berichte 2161 (VDI-Verlag, D’dorf, 2013) 687-691.
82. A. C. Benim, B. Pfeiffelmann, P. Wollny, A. Giese, A. Al-Halbouni and H. Rahms,
"A Validation of Turbulent Combustion Models for Oxy-Natural Gas Diffusion Flames",
Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 8-13 September, 2013, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, Conference Proceedings, Paper No: RKC-7 (2013).
83. A. C. Benim, S. Iqbal, A. Nahavandi, W. Meier, A. Wiedermann and F. Joos,
"Validation of Turbulence Models for Confined Swirling Flows",
Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 8-13 September, 2013, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, Conference Proceedings, Paper No: EGTSC-11 (2013).
84. A. C. Benim,
"Computational Investigation of Turbulent Swirling Flows in Industrial Gas Turbine Combustors",
3rd Conference on Modern Energy Technologies, Systems and Units", 16-18 October 2013, Cracow, Poland, Invited Planery Lecture.
85. A. Krumm, B. Pfeiffelmann, J. Gottschald, S. Dunke, A. C. Benim, M. Adam and D. G. Ebling,
"Influence of the Incident Coolant Flow and Thermal Coupling on the Heat Transport of the Cool Side of a Thermoelectric Generator",
11th European Conf. on Thermoelectrics (ECT 2013) 18-20 November 2013, ESA/ESTEC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Book of Abstracts, pp.91,92.
86. A. Assmann, F, Gül, A. C. Benim, F. Joos, P. Akhyari and A. Lichtenberg,
"Dispersive Aorta Cannulas Reduce Aortic Wall Shear Stress Affecting Atherosclerotic Plaque Embolisation",
GSTCVS Annual Meeting, 9-12 Februray (2014) Freiburg, Germany.
87. A. C. Benim,
"Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flows in Industrial Gas Turbine Combustors",
International Conference on Fuels & Combustion Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 20-22 January 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
88. A. C. Benim, S. Iqbal, A. Nahavandi, W. Meier, A. Wiedermann and F. Joos,
"Analysis of Turbulent Swirling Flows in an Isothermal Gas Turbine Combustor Model",
ASME Turbo Expo 2014, June 16-20 2014, Duesseldorf, Germany, ASME Paper GT2014-25008 (2014).
89. A. Al-Halbouni, H. Rahms, B. Chalh-Andreas, A, Giese and A. C.Benim,
"Entwicklung eines Kombibrenners für den Kohlevergasungsprozess", in: A. Giese, J. Leicher and J. Wünning (Eds.)
Praxiswissen Industriebrenner . Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Thermoprozesstechnik (Vulkan-Verkag, Essen, 2014) 43-48.
90. A. C. Benim, S. Iqbal. A. Nahavandi, W. Meier, A. Wiedermann and F. Joos,
"Analysis of Turbulent Swirling Flames in a Gas Turbine Combustor Model",
Proc. "8th International Conf. on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHMT 2015) May 25-28, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey (2015) Paper No. 111.
91. A. C. Benim, M. Diederich and M. Nikbay,
"Optimization of Airfoil Profiles for Small Wind Turbines",
Proc. "8th International Conf. on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHMT 2015) May 25-28, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey (2015) Paper No. 176.
92. S. Iqbal, A. C. Benim, G. Joos and A. Wiedermann,
"Numerical Analysis of Natural-, Bio- and Syngas Flames in a Gas Turbine Combustor Model using Flamelet Method",
Proc. "16th Int. Conf. on Fluid Flow Technologies Conf. on Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF'15) Sept. 1-4, 2015, Budapest, Hungary (2015) Paper No. 138.
93. S. Iqbal, A. C. Benim, S. Fischer, F. Joos, D. Kluss and A. Wiedermann,
"Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Natural-, Bio- and Syngas Flames in a Gas Turbine Combustor",
Proc. "9th Int. Conference in Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHMT 2016) May 23-26, 2016, Cracow, Poland (2016) Paper No. 211.
94. S. Bhattacharyya, H. Chattopadhyay and A. C. Benim,
"Heat Transfer Enhancement of Laminar Flow of Ethylene Glycol Through a Square Channel Fitted with Angular Cut Wavy Srtrip",
Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 19-28.
95. B. Pfeiffelmann, A. C. Benim, F. Joos and D. Ebling,
"Implementation of a Three-Dimensional Model of Thermoelectric Generators in OpenFOAM to Improve the Efficiency of a Heat Recovery System
Using an Impinging Jet Heat Sink", 14th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT 2016) 20-23 September 2016, IST/C2TN, Lisbon, Portugal,
Book of Abstracts, pp. 297 (2016).
96. A. C. Benim,
“Development of a System for Thermoelectric Heat Recovery form Stationary Industrial Processes”, Invited Lecture, Symposium on
Advances in Thermofluids Sciences”, 29 September 2016, Howrah, India, Extended Abstracts.
97. A. C. Benim,
“Modelling of Gas Turbine Combustion”, Invited Lecture, International Workshop on Thermo-Fluids Sciences: Analysis and Applications,
1- 3 October, 2016, Kolaghat, India, Extended Abstracts.
98. B. Pfeiffelmann, A. C. Benim, and F. Joos,
"Multiphysics Prediction of the Performance of Thermoelectric Generators",
10th Int. Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHM2T) May 28- June 1 2017, Seoul, Korea, Extended Abstracts.
99. S. Bhattacharyya, H. Chattopafhyay, A. C. Benim, and A. Guin,
"Novel Design of V-shape winglet turbulator for heat transfer enhancement in solar air-heater",
10th Int. Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHM2T) May 28- June 1 2017, Seoul, Korea, Extended Abstracts.
100. A. C. Benim,
"Challenges in Modelling Turbulent Combustion in Land Based Gas Turbine Combustors", Keynote Lecture,
10th Int. Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHM2T) May 28 - June 1 2017, Seoul, Korea, Extended Abstracts.
101. S. Bhattacharyya, H. Chattopadhyay, A. Banarjee and A. C. Benim,
"Heat Transfer and Flow Field in a Circular Twisted Channel",
Proc. ICCHMT 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 01005 (2018), doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201824001005.
102. Y. S. Saeedrashed and A. C. Benim,
"A Computational Investigation of the Hydrodynamics of the Badush Dam in Northern Iraq",
Proc. ICCHMT 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 04009 (2018), doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201824004009.
103. A. C. Benim, A. Cicek and A. M. Eker,
"A Numerical Analysis of the Thermohydraulics of an EGS Project in Turkey",
Proc. ICCHMT 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 05001 (2018), doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201824005001.
104. A. C. Benim, M. Diederich and F. Gül,
"Prediction and Measurement of the Aerodynamic Performance of a Wind Turbine",
Proc. ICCHMT 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 04001 (2018), doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201824004001.
105. B. Pfeiffelmann, A. C. Benim and F. Joos,
"Numerical Analysis of Liquid Jet Impingement Cooling of a Thermoelectric Generator",
Proc. ICCHMT 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 01005 (2018), doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201824001032.
106. B. Pfeiffelmann and A. C. Benim,
"Numerical Study of the Quenching of a Laminar Premixed Hydrogen Flame",
Proc. ICCHMT 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 01031 (2018), doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201824001031.
107. S. Iqbal, B. Pfeiffelmann, A. C. Benim and F. Joos,
"Numerical Analysis of Lifted Hydrogen Flame",
Proc. ICCHMT 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 01014 (2018), doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201824001014.
108. A. Ahmed, B. Ibrar, D. Lehser-Pfeffermann, D. Theis, A. C. Benim, F. U. Rückert, F. Joos,
"Investigation of wake Flow and Turbulence Development Behind Small Wind Turbines"
International Conference on Renewable Energy - ICREN 2019, 24-26 April 2019, Paris, France.
109. Y. S. Saeedrashed and A. C. Benim,
"Geo-morphometric analysis and flood simulation of the Tigris river due to a preicted failure of the Mosul dam, Mosul, Iraq",
in: A. M. F. Al-Quraishi and A. M. Negm (Eds.) Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Iraq - Springer Water (Springer Berlin, 2019) 397-414.
110. A. C. Benim,
"Challenges in Modelling Turbulent Combustion", Keynote Lecture
22nd Congress on Thermal Science and Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey, 11-14 September 2019.
111. S. Bhattacharyya, A. Banerjee, A. C. Benim and R. Bennacer,
"Influence of Broken Twisted Tape on Heat Transfer Performance in Novel Triangular Axial Corrugated Tubes: Experimental and Numerical Study"
12th International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT2019), Rome, Italy, 3-6- September 2019 (accepted).
112. S. Bhattacharyya, S. G. Das, H. Chattopadhyay, M. A. Moghimi and A. C. Benim,
"Transport Phenomenon of Simultaneously Developing Flow and Heat Transfer in Twisted Sinusoidal Wavy Microchannel under Pulsating Inlet Flow
Condition", in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 01011.
113. Y. Saeedrashed and A. C. Benim,
"Validation Methods of Geometric 3D-CityGML Data for Urban Wind Simulations",
in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 10006.
114. A. C. Benim, M. Diederich and A. Nahavandi,
"Prediction of Flow and Dispersion in Cross Ventilated Buildings"
in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 05002.
115. A. C. Benim and M. Diederich,
"Analysis of Roughness Effects on Wind Turbine Aerodynamics"
in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 09004.
116. A. C. Benim and B. Pfeiffelmann,
"Prediction of Burning Velocity and Quenching Distance of Hydrogen Flames",
in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 01012.
117. A. C. Benim and B. Pfeiffelmann,
"Prediction of Hydrogen Flame Propagation in a Channel with Exit Contraction",
in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 01013.
118. A. C. Benim and B. Pfeiffelmann,
"Validation of Combustion Models for Lifted Hydrogen Flame",
in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 01014.
119. B. Pfeiffelmann, M. Diederich, M. Gül, A. C. Benim, M. Heese and A. Hamberger,
"Analysis of Combustion Heat and Fluid Flow in a Biomass Furnace",
in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 03003.
120. B. Pfeiffelmann, C. Özman, A. C. Benim and F. Joos,
"Variable Temperature Effects on TEG Performance",
in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 07004.
121. A. Basaran, A. Yurddas and A. C. Benim,
"Prediction of Heat and Fluid Flow in Microchannel Condensation",
in: A. Mohamad, J. Taler, A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer. S. H. Suh, R. de Vollaro, A. Vallati and G. Battista (Eds.)
"XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mas and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2019), Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019"
E3S Web of Conferences,128 (2019) 01015.
122. S. Bhattacharyya, A. C. Benim, M. Pathak, K. Dey,
"A Numerical Study on Heat Transfer Augmentation and Flow Sructure in a Square Solar Air Heater Channel with Alternating V-shaped
Inclined Ribs", National Conference in Sustainable & Recent Innovation in Science and Engineering (SUNRISE-19), Moihari College of
Engineering, Motihari-Bihar, India, November 28-29, 2019 (accepted).
123. O. G. Otukpa, M. A. Moghimi, S. Bhattacharyya, G. Ahmadi and A. C. Benim,
"Numerical Analysis of Porous Wind Barrier for Minimizing Collector Mirror Soiling in a Parabolic Through Collector Plant",
25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019),
December 28-31, 2019 IIT Roorke, India (accepted)
124. D. L. Pfeffermann, D. Theis, F. Rückert, A. Ahmed, I. Burhan, A. C. Benim,
"Measurement and Large Eddy Simulation of a Vertical Axis Small Wind Turbine in a Wind Tunnel",
Torque 2020, TU Delft (submitted)
125. K. J. Syed, A. C. Benim, E. Pasqualotto and R. C. Payne,
"A Novel Approach to the Stabilization of Auto-Igition Flames within a Gas Turbine Sequential Combustor
through the Control of Static Temperature Variation along the Premixing and Flame Zones",
ASME Turbo Expo 2020, June 22-26, London, UK (2020) GT2020-14225.
126. A. C. Benim,
"Challenges in Modelling Turbulent Combustion". Keynotre Lecture
48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 27-29 December 2021, Pilani, India.
127. S Bhattacharyya, D. K. Vishwakarma, S. Roy, K. Dey, A. C. Benim and R. Bennacer,
"Computational Investigation on Heat Transfer Augmentation of a Circular Tube with Novel Hybrid Ribs",
XIII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2021), Paris, France, May 18-21, 2021.
E3S Web of Conference 321 (2021) 04012.
128. A. Kumar, K. Dey, S. Bhattacharyya, A. R. Paul, A. C. Benim, D. K Vishwakarma and Z. Huan,
"Augmented Thermal Performance in a Non-Uniform Heat Flux Circular Tube with Twisted Tape Insert Using Hybrid Nanofluid",
XIII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2021), Paris, France, May 18-21, 2021.
E3S Web of Conference 321 (2021) 04009.
129. C. Deniz Canal, E. Boke and A. C. Benim,
"Numerical Analysis of Pulverized Biomass Combustion",
XIII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2021), Paris, France, May 18-21, 2021.
E3S Web of Conferences 321 (2021) 01001.
130. B. Pfeiffelmann, M. Diederich, M. Heese, A. Hamberger and A. C. Benim,
"Development of a Heat Exchanger for Cogeneration via TEG",
XIII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2021), Paris, France, May 18-21, 2021.
E3S Web of Conerences 321 (2021) 02002.
131. A. C. Benim and B. Pfeiffelmann, "Computational Analysis of Lifted Hydrogen Flame",
in: M. Portarapillo and A. Karname (Eds.) Advances in Energy Research, 3rd ed. (2021).
132. S. Bhattacharyya, K. Dey, D. K. Vishwakarma and A. C. Benim,
"Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Square Channel with Novel Centre Hole Inclined Ribs",
48th National Conference in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, RJ, India, December 27-29, 2021 (accepted).
133. M. Diederich, L. Di Bartolo and A. C. Benim,
"Comparison of Predirction Accuracy between Interpolation and Artificial Intlligence Application of CFD Data for 3D Cavity Flow"
4th International Conference on Frontiers in Industral and Applied Mathematics, Longowal, Punjab, India, December 21-22, 2021 (accepted).
134. M. Diederich, F. Gül, C. Özman, A. C. Benim, L. Ihringer and D. Möller
"Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of Mechanical Separation of Helminth Eggs for Wastewater Purification"
4th International Conference on Frontiers in Industral and Applied Mathematics, Longowal, Punjab, India, December 21-22, 2021 (accepted).
135. C. Özman, T. Saner, F. Gül, M. Diederich, A. C. Benim and U. Janoske,
"Computational and Experimental Investigation of Flow and Convective Heat Transfer along Rough Surfaces"
4th International Conference on Frontiers in Industral and Applied Mathematics, Longowal, Punjab, India, December 21-22, 2021 (accepted).
136. A. Korucu and A. C. Benim,
"A Parametric Numerical Analysis of Laminar Hydrogen Diffusion Flames"
23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conerence, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-30 June 2022 (accepted).
137. A. C. Benim and B. Pfeiffelmann,
"Computational Investigation of Premixed Hydrogen--Air Flames Stabilzed in Diverging Annular Channel"
23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conerence, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-30 June 2022 (accepted).
138. C. Özman, F. Gül, M. Diederich, A. C. Benim and U. Janoske,
"Computational and Experimental Investigation of Flow and Convective Heat Transfer along Rough Surfaces"
The International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, CONV-22, Ä°zmir, Turkey, June 5 - 10, 2022 (submitted).
139. A. C. Benim and A. Cicek,
"Investigation of the Thermohydraulics of an EGS Project in Turkey: Comparative Assessment of Water and CO2 as Heat Transfer Fluid"
The International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, CONV-22, Ä°zmir, Turkey, June 5 - 10, 2022 (submitted).
140. M. Diederich, F. Gül, C. Özman, A. C. Benim, L. Ihringer and D. Möller,
"Mechanical Helminth Eggs Separation for Wastewater Purification: Analysis of the Fluid Dynamics",
The 9th Interational Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, July 31 - August 2, 2022, Prague Czech Republic (accepted).
141. A. C. Benim and A. Korucu,
"Numerical Analysis of Laminar Hydrogen Diffusion Flames"
The Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, 23-25 August 2022, Montpellier, France
142. A. C. Benim,
"Challenges in Modelling Combustion in Land Based Gas Turbine Combustors",
Keynote Lecture,
16th International Combustion Symposium, 8-11 September 2022, Aydin, Turkey.
143. C. Deniz Canal, A. C. Benim. Y. E: Boke,
"Computational Analysis of Cofiring of Coal with Biomass"
16th International Combuston Symposium, 8-11 September 2022, Aydin, Turkey.
144. A. C. Benim,
"Case Studies on Co-Generation and Waste Heat Recovery via Thermoelectric Generators"
Keynote Lecture,
2nd International Conference Energy Fuel and Environment, EFE 2022, 20-23 September, 2022, Cracow, Poland.
145. A. C. Benim,
"Challenges in Modelling Combustion in Land Based Gas Turbine Combustors",
Keynote Lecture,
5th International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, FIAM 2022, 22-23 December 2022, Central University Haryana, India.
146. A. C. Benim,
"Investigations on Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery via Thermoelectric Generators"
Keynote Lecture,
6th International Sceintific and Technical Conference on Modern Power Systems and Units, MPSU 2023, 24-26 May 2023, Cracow, Poland.
147. F. U. Rückert, I. Burhan, A. Ahmed, D. Hübner, B. Allweyer, F. Klinger and A. C. Benim,
"Development of a Passive Cooling System for a Gearless Wind Energy Generator",
Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer - Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 4-8 September 2023,
Düsseldorf, Germany, Volume 1, in: A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer, A. A. Mohamad, P. Oclon, S.-H. Suh. J. Taler (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Engineering
(Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland) 333-343.
148. M. K. Kisomi, S. Seddighi, R. Mohammadpour and A. C. Benim,
"Triboelectric Nanogenerator-Based Air Filters to Capture Particles",
14th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 4-8 September 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany,
in: A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer, A. A. Mohamad, P. Oclon, S.-H. Suh. J. Taler (Eds.) Book of Abstracts, Paper 059, pp. 86.
149. S. Bhattacharyya, N. Jain, T. Bhatt, S. Ghosh and A. C. Benim,
"Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Mini-Channel using Magnetic Nanofluid and Magentic Vortex",
Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer - Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 4-8 September 2023,
Düsseldorf, Germany, Volume 1, in: A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer, A. A. Mohamad, P. Oclon, S.-H. Suh. J. Taler (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Engineering
(Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland) 3-11.
150. D. K. Vishawkarma, S. Bhattacharyya, M. K., Soni, S. Ghosh and A. C. Benim,
"Transition Flow Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Uniformly Heated Inclinded Solar Air Heater Fitted with Wavy Tapes"
Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer - Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 4-8 September 2023,
Düsseldorf, Germany, Volume 1, in: A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer, A. A. Mohamad, P. Oclon, S.-H. Suh. J. Taler (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Engineering
(Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland) 703-712.
151. O. Yalcinkaya, U. Durmaz, A. Ü. Tepe, A. C. Benim and Ü. Uysal,
"Numerical Analysis of Roughened Target Surface for Enhancing Jet Impingement Cooling",
Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer - Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 4-8 September 2023,
Düsseldorf, Germany, Volume 1, in: A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer, A. A. Mohamad, P. Oclon, S.-H. Suh. J. Taler (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Engineering
(Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland) 713-722.
152. N. Biswas, D. K. Mandal, N. K. Manna, A. C. Benim,
"Thermomagnetic Convection and Entropy Generation in a Hybrid Nanofluid-Filled Wavy-Walled Porous System with Protruded Bottom Heating",
Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer - Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 4-8 September 2023,
Düsseldorf, Germany, Volume 1, in: A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer, A. A. Mohamad, P. Oclon, S.-H. Suh. J. Taler (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Engineering
(Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland) 375-385.
153. S. Elahi, S. Seddighi and A. C. Benim,
"Enhancing Hydrogen Generation from Seawater using Triboelectric Nano-generators and Membrane-less Electroysis"",
14th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 4-8 September 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany,
in: A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer, A. A. Mohamad, P. Oclon, S.-H. Suh. J. Taler (Eds.) Book of Abstracts, Paper 133, pp. 142.
154. Y. Saeedrashed, S. Singh and A. C. Benim,
"Numerical Simulation of Cavitation Characteristics on Stepped Spillway due to Different Geometry Configurations",
Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer - Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 4-8 September 2023,
Düsseldorf, Germany, Volume 1, in: A. C. Benim, R. Bennacer, A. A. Mohamad, P. Oclon, S.-H. Suh. J. Taler (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Engineering
(Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland) 715-725.
155. A. C. Benim,
"Investigations on Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery via Thermoelectric Generators",
Plenary Speaker
2nd International Conference on Energy Storage and Saving (ICENSS2023), 24-27 November 2023 , Xi'an, P.R. China
156. A. C. Benim,
"Case Studies on Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery via Thermoelectric Generators",
Keynote Speaker
6th International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (FIAM-2023), 21-22 December, 2023, Dubai, UAE.
157. C. Deniz Canal and A. C. Benim,
"Numerical Study of Co-firing in Swirl Burner via Coal-Biomass Blends",
6th International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (FIAM-2023), 21-22 December, 2023, Dubai, UAE.
158. C. Deniz Canal, M. Diederich, O. Karacay. A. C. Benim, A. Hamberger, M. Heese, K. H. Schräder,
"Investigation of Boiler Efficiency Improvements via Enthalpy Wheel with Application to a Biomass Boiler",
6th International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (FIAM-2023), 21-22 December, 2023, Dubai, UAE.
159. A. C. Benim,
"Investigations on Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery via Thermoelectric Generators",
Invited Speaker
14th International Energy, Exergy and Environment Symposium (IEEES 2023), 24-27 December 2023, Tuzla Turkey.
160. C. Deniz Canal and A. C. Benim
"Numerical Analyis of MILD Combustion of Pulverized Biomass-Coal Flame",
19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 7-24 May 2024, Kyoto, Japan (accepted)
161. A. C. Benim
"Numerical Analyis of Hydrogen Microjet Flames",
19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 7-24 May 2024, Kyoto, Japan (accepted)
162. C. Deniz Canal and A. C. Benim
"Numerical Study of Co-firing in Swirl Burner using Coal-Biomass Blends"
in: R. K. Sharma, S. K. Srivastava, A. C. Benim (Eds.) Mathematical Theory and Simulatiion of Scientific Problems -
FIAM-2023, Dubai, UAE, December 21-22 (Springer, to be publoshed)
163. C. Deniz Canal. M. Diederich, O. Karacay, A. C. Benim, A. Hamberger, M. Heese amd K. H. Schräder,
"Investigation of Boiler Efficiency Improvements via Enthalpy Wheel with Applications to a Biomass Boiler"
in: R. K. Sharma, S. K. Srivastava, A. C. Benim (Eds.) Mathematical Theory and Simulatiion of Scientific Problems -
FIAM-2023, Dubai, UAE, December 21-22 (Springer, to be publoshed)